Welcome to the Arcadia Poker League!
Our goal: To provide a fun and safe place to play TX hold’em
With a $60 buy-in, it’s affordable and builds a decent prize pool.
$10 of each buy-in goes towards The Royal Championship and Player of the Year payouts.
Accumulate points and crowns to earn Player of the year status and qualify to play in the Royal Championship.
Player of the Year is calculated by multiplying your Average with your total crowns.
There will be monetary payouts for POY and the next two runner-ups.
Starting stack: 40,000
Early bird bonus: 5,000
(Must be paid at least 10 mins. prior to schedule start time)
No paying in advance or having others pay for you. You must be present and paid for by this time.
All league games are freeze-outs(No re-entry, no rebuy, no add-on)
First 30 players to rsvp get seated first.
After that, we go to the wait list and take entries til the end of the 6th blind level.
Alternates are welcome and can enter in their respective turn, as seats become available.
Those that are on standby but arrived early to wait, may also pay upfront for their seat and receive the early bird bonus.
100 – 200
200 – 400 18mins.
300 – 600
400 – 800
17min. Break
500 – 1,000
1,000 – 2,000 18mins.
Entry Cut-0ff
1,500 – 3,000
2,000 – 4,000
13min. Break
4,000 – 8,000
6,000 – 12,000
10,000 – 20,000 18mins.
15,000 – 30,000
25,000 – 50,000
50,000 – 100,000
75,000 – 150,000
Something new here for even the seasoned player.
Earn 1 crown if you make it to final table. Another crown if you make it to top 4.
These are very important towards your Player of Year score.
Crowns will also earn you bonus chips for either the Gauntlet or The Royal Championship.
The top 21 players with the most points by the end of the current season, will be directly invited to The Royal Championship.
All others in 22nd or worse place will be invited to play in the Gauntlet and wild card their way into the championship game. You must have played at least one league game to play.
Final Table
Some special rules apply when players want to discuss a chop. First and foremost, if even 1 player says “No” to a chop, then there will be none. ALL players must come to an agreed chop for it to happen.
If no chop is accepted, then it can not be proposed again until a player is eliminated, and before action starts in the hand immediately following. Once action starts in the next hand, a chop can’t be proposed until another player is eliminated.
In a chop, points will be based on player’s chip amounts. In the case of a tie, players will draw for high card.
1st – 40%
2nd – 30%
3rd – 20%
4th – 10%
Points per place
1st = 130 pts
2nd = 120 pts
3rd = 110 pts
4th = 100 pts
5th = 90 pts
6th = 80 pts
7th = 70 pts
8th = 60 pts
9th = 50 pts
10+ = 40 pts
Volunteer to be a dealer and receive some benefits:
Park in front. There’s 3 spots around my Nissan.
If you see one open, then a dealer spot is available.
Extra 4,000 in starting chips.
When you come to pay, there will be up to 4 dealer buttons, each with 4,000 in chips. One button for each table. Let the host know if you’d like to deal and take your button to your desired table. First come, first table choice.
You’ll also be earning bonus chips for the end of year games(Gauntlet/Royal Championship).
There will be awards for our top 2 dealers.
The more you deal, the better chances at winning.
As well as extra points per game, which will help your “Average” & “POY” score.
+2 points for each table you deal down.
Max of +8 points per game.
You must deal a table until it breaks to receive your points.
If you surrender your deal beforehand, then no dealer points will be given to you.
Instead, they will be given to the dealer that does deal til until the table has no more players.