Powerball Pool

Attendance: 15 / 1

Estimated Jackpot of $1.2 Billion Just $6 per person Lotto Pool page Step 1. Rsvp here(you'll be put on the wait list) Step 2. Pay me(cash, venmo, Zelle, cashapp, Facebook pay) Step 3. I'll confirm and move you off the wait list, and into active(confirmed)

Powerball Pool

Attendance: 14 / 1

Estimated Jackpot of $1.4 Billion Just $6 per person Lotto Pool page Step 1. Rsvp here(you'll be put on the wait list) Step 2. Pay me(cash, venmo, Zelle, cashapp, Facebook pay) Step 3. I'll confirm and move you off the wait list, and into active(confirmed) Cutoff to rsvp and pay is noon on the day […]

$100 Tourney+Mystery Bounty

Attendance: 17 / 28

 Mystery Bounty Tourney $80 Entry Starting stack = 40,000 $20 D.A. Bonus = 25,000 Early Bird Bonus* = 10,000 Freeze-out tourney(no rebuys or add-ons) *Must be paid no later than 5 mins prior to scheduled start time Each bounty is worth at least $10, with the chance of drawing up to 10x. The multiplier is dependent […]

Powerball Pool

Attendance: 11 / 1

Estimated Jackpot of $1.55 Billion Just $6 per person Lotto Pool page Step 1. Rsvp here(you'll be put on the wait list) Step 2. Pay me(cash, venmo, Zelle, cashapp, Facebook pay) Step 3. I'll confirm and move you off the wait list, and into active(confirmed) Cutoff to rsvp and pay is 2:00pm on the day […]

Power ball Pool

Attendance: 10 / 1

Estimated Jackpot of $1.73 Billion Just $6 per person Lotto Pool page Step 1. Rsvp here(you'll be put on the wait list) Step 2. Pay me(cash, venmo, Zelle, cashapp, Facebook pay) Step 3. I'll confirm and move you off the wait list, and into active(confirmed) Cutoff to rsvp and pay is 1:00pm on the day […]

RSVP $60 League Game

Attendance: 30 / 30

Located near 51st Ave and Peoria (Exact address will be provided in your RSVP email confirmation) Buy-in: $60 Starting stack: 45k Early Bonus: 5k (7:21pm Cutoff. Must be present and paid for before this time) If interested in designated dealing and earning some extra points, please indicate so in the "notes". Put "WTD" (Willing To Deal).

RSVP $60 League Game

Attendance: 26 / 30

Located near 51st Ave and Peoria (Exact address will be provided in your RSVP email confirmation) Buy-in: $60 Starting stack: 45k Early Bonus: 5k (7:21pm Cutoff. Must be present and paid for before this time) If interested in designated dealing and earning some extra points, please indicate so in the "notes". Put "WTD" (Willing To Deal).

$20 Zombie Tourney

Attendance: 20 / 20

Okay players, hold on to your brains! I've got a doozy for ya :D Buy-in: $20 Starting stack: 20k Early Bonus*: 5k Bring Trick-or-Treat Candy or Wear a Costume**: 10k **Doing both is fine but you don't get double bonus :) *Must be paid for no later than 5 mins. prior to scheduled start time. […]

RSVP $60 League Game

Attendance: 27 / 30

Located near 51st Ave and Peoria (Exact address will be provided in your RSVP email confirmation) Buy-in: $60 Starting stack: 45k Early Bonus: 5k (7:21pm Cutoff. Must be present and paid for before this time) If interested in designated dealing and earning some extra points, please indicate so in the "notes". Put "WTD" (Willing To Deal).

$1/2 Cash Game

$1/2 Cash Game (no rake) Primarily TX Hold'em but mixed games welcome if players are in agreement. $5 Straddle option, UTG or Button UTG straddle takes priority Min. Buy-in: $100 Max: $500 or match the big stack