$40 Turkey Day tourney

Arcadia House 9725 N 56th Dr, Glendale, AZ, United States
Attendance: 11 / 30

Buy-in: $40 Chips: 40,000 No-limit hold'em Freeze-out(no re-entry, no add-on)

$60 Hold’em w/$10 Bounties

Arcadia House 9725 N 56th Dr, Glendale, AZ, United States
Attendance: 28 / 30

Buy-in: $60 ($50 entry + $10 bounty) Starting stack: 40,000 25min. Blinds

$100 Holiday Hundo Mystery Bounty

Arcadia House 9725 N 56th Dr, Glendale, AZ, United States
Attendance: 25 / 30

Buy-in: $100 ($80 main + $20 Bounty) Starting stack: 100,000 Freeze-out(no rebuy, no re-entry, no add-on) For every 9 players, one entry($80) will be added to a mystery bounty. This is on top of the $20 bounty prize, making it worth $100 total. Mystery bounty will be determined by luck of the draw of raffle […]

James’s $42.0o HO-MAHA tourney

Arcadia House 9725 N 56th Dr, Glendale, AZ, United States
Attendance: 30 / 30

As some of you know, James is shaking things up and moving to California. So as per his request, we present this crazy HO-MAHA tourney. Hold'em & Omaha(high only) alternating each blind level Buy-in: $42.0o (includes $7 bounty) Starting stack: 42,000 On-time Bonus: 8,000 Entries allowed until end of 2nd Break No Re-entry, Rebuys or […]

RSVP $60 Arcadia Crownty Series

Arcadia House 9725 N 56th Dr, Glendale, AZ, United States
Attendance: 28 / 30

Buy-in: $60 ($50 main + $10 Bounty Crown) Starting stack: 40k Early Bonus: 5k (7:21pm Cutoff. Must be present and paid for by this time. Can not be paid in advance or by others)  

RSVP $60 Arcadia Crownty Series

Arcadia House 9725 N 56th Dr, Glendale, AZ, United States
Attendance: 25 / 30

Buy-in: $60 ($50 main + $10 Bounty Crown) Starting stack: 40k Early Bonus: 5k (7:21pm Cutoff. Must be present and paid for by this time. Can not be paid in advance or by others)  

RSVP $60 Arcadia Crownty Series

Arcadia House 9725 N 56th Dr, Glendale, AZ, United States
Attendance: 30 / 30

Buy-in: $60 ($50 main + $10 Bounty Crown) Starting stack: 40k Early Bonus: 5k (7:21pm Cutoff. Must be present and paid for by this time. Can not be paid in advance or by others)  

RSVP $60 Arcadia Crownty Series

Arcadia House 9725 N 56th Dr, Glendale, AZ, United States
Attendance: 30 / 30

Buy-in: $60 ($50 main + $10 Bounty Crown) Starting stack: 40k Early Bonus: 5k (7:21pm Cutoff. Must be present and paid for by this time. Can not be paid in advance or by others)